METHODS: ESSENCE-FL was configured to receive ASPR Electronic Medical Record System (EMR-S) data. A scheduled program to generate data files for FDOH was created using SAS and a script set up on the ASPR server to send an updated file via secure file transfer protocol (sftp). To assess completeness of data elements received in ESSENCE-FL, field teams maintained line lists of patient encounters. ASPR data were reviewed and analyzed by FDOH staff multiple times a day in near real-time utilizing existing ESSENCE-FL analysis tools.
RESULTS: Three separate ASPR missions were deployed to Florida to support the RNC. ASPR EMR-S data files were received at 15-minute intervals by ESSENCE-FL during each day of the event (August 26-30). Reduced patient counts within ESSENCE-FL as compared with field-maintained line lists indicated an incomplete input or transfer of patient data. Although only 11 of 34 total patient encounters were received by ESSENCE-FL during the event, the system design enabled users to run specific queries and display the results in graphs, charts and tables.
CONCLUSIONS: The collaboration of local, state and federal agencies can make data sharing and analysis efficient and effective as evidenced during the RNC and can now be implemented during future response events. The logic developed is transferrable if other states want to implement the module, or FDOH can support data management efforts for interested states. Automated data feeds to ESSENCE-FL removed resource intensive manual data collection, improved standardization of syndrome categorizations, increased access to these data by local, state, and federal epidemiologists in a timely manner, and expedited interpretation; enhancing situational awareness and guiding decision makers’ disease control efforts.