METHODS: This is a descriptive report on outcome data we have assembled to date, and an initial overview of patterns and trends in outcome measures relevant to the SPF SIG. The data are presented in a series of plots depicting time trends in community outcome measures for all states for which data are available for at least one pre-intervention and one post-intervention time point. The text of the report describes the criteria used to select the states and measures, approaches and cautions to be applied in interpreting the data, and a summary of the patterns observed.
RESULTS: With respect to trends in the community-level outcome measures, promising patterns were observed. Two states that provided community-level comparison data on underage drinking measures were the states to experience the largest adjusted relative declines. The state that provided intervention data at the community level on ARMVCs also showed promising patterns for measures of this priority.
CONCLUSIONS: Because efforts to update the state and community outcomes database are continuing, the number of post-intervention data points available for each entity will increase over the next two years. Future analyses will provide additional perspectives on possible SPF SIG effects.