Successful Public/Private Collaboration Reducing Cost and Streamlining Efforts for Hospitals and Public Health to Achieve Meaningful Use Requirements

Monday, June 23, 2014: 7:15 AM
Ryman I, Renaissance Hotel
Chris E Van Horrick , Lab Interoperability Collaborative, St Paul, MN
Jeff T Benning , Lab Interoperability Collaborative, St, MN
Wesley Kennemore , Association of Public Health Laboratories, Silver Springs, MD

Brief Summary
This roundtable presentation will present clear, detailed information on how ongoing submission of Electronic Laboratory Results (ELR) transactions are being achieved through collaboration between hospitals, vendors, public health reporting jurisdictions, and other stakeholders engaged in the ELR transaction workflow.  Findings, recommendations and best practices will be presented by subject matter experts from the Lab Interoperability Collaborative (LIC) and the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL).  From LOINC and SNOMED CT mapping to receipt of transactions at the public health agency, this presentation will describe the collaborative processes followed to engage, train and onboard hospitals and public health agencies as they continue their journey to meet ELR Meaningful Use objectives, and achieve interoperability between hospitals and public health agencies.  Findings and recommendations on LIS vendor capabilities, hospital lab engagement, and connectivity and transport will be reviewed.  The panel will share progress being made towards educating laboratories on ELR requirements for meaningful use and will be available to answer questions and participate in discussions with conference participants interested in learning more about industry successes and challenges in this very important effort to improve public health reporting.