Practicing Epidemiology in the New Health System

Monday, June 23, 2014: 10:30 AM
211/212, Nashville Convention Center
Denise Koo , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA
Thomas Safranek , Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Lincoln, NE
Katrina Hedberg , Oregon Health Authority, Portland, OR
Christina Tan , New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, Trenton, NJ

BACKGROUND:  Public health practice is changing rapidly, and the practice of applied epidemiologists along with it. There is an increasing expectation of access to and practical use of data from multiple electronic sources (EHRs, other environmental, social, genomic data), and using multiple methods (social networks, internet, etc.). Fiscal challenges raise questions about the return on the public health investment, and require epidemiologists to justify their work even more than ever. And public health is not just governmental—community-based organizations and the healthcare system are increasingly engaged in public health activities. And especially with Meaningful Use and the HITECH act, and the emphasis in the healthcare system on accountability, the triple aim, and the IRS requirement for non-profit hospitals to do community health needs assessments, applied epidemiologists have an opportunity to participate in the transformation of our country’s health system.


Three State Epidemiologists will discuss how they lead epidemiology practice in their states amidst these changes, addressing especially challenges in informatics, economic analysis and linkages with the healthcare system, and gaps in policy, tools and workforce. This panel discussion will engage the audience in a practical follow-on to the plenary talks by Drs. David Fleming and Lloyd Michener, who will undoubtedly provide thoughtful and thought-provoking talks with tremendous implications for the practice of epidemiology.

RESULTS:  This is not a scientific study, but rather is intended as a panel.


Moderator: Denise Koo

Speakers/panelists: Tom Safranek, Katrina Hedberg, Tina Tan