BACKGROUND: Asthma is one of the most common chronic pediatric diseases in the United States, affecting about 7 million children. Compared to the State of Florida’s average level in 2011, Asthma related emergency room visit and hospitalization crude rates are higher in Miami-Dade County. ED visits for children 0-4 in Miami-Dade County are much higher. Among children aged 0-4, the 2011 Asthma related emergency room visit and hospitalization rates per 100,000 are 2,643 and 432 in Miami-Dade County, higher than Florida’s average level of 1,687 and 396, respectively. Children will be the target beneficiaries because they make up a majority of asthma cases in Miami-Dade County, comprising over 66 percent of asthma related ED visits and 25 percent of asthma hospitalizations.
METHODS: DOH-Miami-Dade will conduct a pilot study consisting of home visits for ten families that will test the feasibility of the program. DOH-Miami-Dade will collaborate with MCH to select patients who are most at risk: belonging to a low-income household, living in a location with greatest asthma incidence and have repeat asthma-related ED visits or hospitalizations. Selected participants will initially provide consent, fill out an intake form, and receive education at MCH. The Epidemiology, Disease Control & Immunizations Services Lead Program of the health department will be responsible for trainings, home visits, education, data collection and analysis, and reporting findings. Outcomes of interest include reduced Asthma-related ED visits/hospitalizations, reduced school absenteeism, and reduced medical costs. If the pilot study proves feasible, the goal will be to reduce repeat asthma-related ED and hospitalizations for children aged 0-17 in Miami-Dade County by implementing a full-scale program.
RESULTS: The findings from this capacity building experience with the Applied Chronic Disease Epidemiology Mentoring program will be shared during the poster presentation.
CONCLUSIONS: Participating in a project focused competency building program has enabled us to achieve our objectives.