Jake R Morgan

Boston University
Academic Institution
Boston, MA
Email: jakem@bu.edu

Biographical Sketch:
Jake Morgan is a second-year student in the Health Services Research PhD program at the Boston University School of Public Health. Mr. Morgan holds a Masters of Science in Applied Economics with an emphasis in Health from Montana State University. He is an active member of several public health-oriented professional organizations, including holding elected office in the local chapter of AcademyHealth. He has been contracted by both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Montana State Department of Health to design and execute large health quality analyses and presented many of these results at national conferences. Of particular interest has been the analysis of health disparities, and the way in which policy and other health interventions have been unsuccessful by failing to recognize the presence of this disparity.
128 Antibiotics As Perceived Service: Stewardship through the Disparity Lens