Monday, June 15, 2015
10:30 AM-12:00 PM

Chronic Disease / MCH / Oral Health I From Conception to Concept Mapping: Using Data to Improve MCH Outcomes

Injury Prevention / Substance Abuse A Shock to the System: Using Data to Inform Trauma Prevention

Occupational Health I A ‘Big Dig’ into the Data – Using State Workers Compensation Data to Target Prevention Efforts

Occupational Health II Surpassing the Puritan Days – Identifying and Preventing Occupationally Acquired Infectious Diseases
2:00 PM-3:30 PM

Chronic Disease / MCH / Oral Health I The Built Environment: Cycling and Mapping and Pricing, Oh My!

Chronic Disease / MCH / Oral Health II Reflecting Back: Evaluations to Improve MCH Data and Surveillance

Environmental Health "One if by Land, Two if by Sea": Tools and Methods in Environmental Health Surveillance and Practice

Infectious Disease I Infectious Disease Rapid Fire II: Influenza/Respiratory Diseases & Healthcare Associated Infections

Infectious Disease III Not your Standard Shoe Leather: Innovation in Epi Methods for Enteric Surveillance and Outbreak Investigation

Injury Prevention / Substance Abuse Putting the Data to the Test: Re-thinking Overdose Methods and Surveillance

Surveillance / Informatics I National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS) Modernization Initiative Panel Update - CHANGE, MODERATOR 6/13

Surveillance / Informatics II The Syndromes are Coming! The Syndromes are Coming! Syndromic Surveillance: Yesterday's Buzzword, Today's Reality - CHANGE, MODERATOR 6/13
4:00 PM-5:30 PM

Chronic Disease / MCH / Oral Health Health is Where You Live: Using GIS to Illustrate Disparities in Chronic Disease and MCH

Infectious Disease I Tracing Back Garden Variety Salmonella Outbreaks: Epi and Regulatory Perspectives

Surveillance / Informatics I Rapid Fire I: Antimicrobial Resistance, Syndromic Surveillance, Emergency Preparedness, and Ebola Virus Disease
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
10:30 AM-12:00 PM

Cross Cutting II US Entry Screening for Ebola: Systems, Strategies, Partnerships - Federal and State Perspectives

Infectious Disease I Infectious Disease Rapid Fire III: Vectorborne Diseases & Vaccine Preventable Diseases

Injury Prevention / Substance Abuse Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg: Substance Abuse Hospitalizations

Surveillance / Informatics I Getting to Yes: Progress Toward the Reportable Conditions Knowledge Management System (RCKMS) Panel
2:00 PM-3:30 PM

Infectious Disease III The Vital Role of Risk Communication during a Public Health Crisis: Lessons Learned from the Ebola Crisis

Surveillance / Informatics I Population Health Data from Primary Care Records Panel - CHANGE, MODERATOR 6/13
4:00 PM-5:30 PM

Chronic Disease / MCH / Oral Health I Filling the Gaps: Novel Approaches for Collecting Data on Hard to Reach Populations

Environmental Health I Paul Sever, "The Weather is Coming!": Climate Change and Environmental Impact on Disease - CHANGE, MODERATOR 6/12

Occupational Health II Paul Revere Got the Word Out, So Can You! #WorkerHealth #WorkplaceSafety #OHS

Surveillance / Informatics I Rapid Fire II: Surveillance Policy, Electronic Laboratory Reporting, and Non-Infectious Disease Surveillance Potpourri
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
10:30 AM-12:00 PM

Chronic Disease / MCH / Oral Health I NACDD Mentoring Program to Enhance State Chronic Disease Epidemiology

Chronic Disease / MCH / Oral Health II Age is Not Just a Number: Addressing Quality of Life and Older Adulthood

Infectious Disease II Retaking the SATs: Surveying, Assessing, and Targeting Infections and Antimicrobial Use in Healthcare Settings

Injury Prevention / Substance Abuse II A Life Course Perspective: Injury and Substance Abuse Across the Lifespan

Surveillance / Informatics I Rapid Fire III: Surveillance System Evaluation and Infectious Disease Surveillance Potpourri
2:00 PM-3:30 PM

Environmental Health / Occupational Health / Injury Prevention Position Statements (Members Only)

Infectious Disease I Infectious Disease Rapid Fire V: Emerging Infectious Diseases & Late Breakers

Injury Prevention / Substance Abuse From Crunching Numbers to Boots on the Ground: Improving Overdose Prevention