Using Diabetes Self-Management Education Data for Evaluation

Wednesday, June 17, 2015: 1:00 PM
Beacon D, Sheraton Hotel
Kellee T. McCrory , University of Iowa, Iowa city, IA
Anne L. Abbott , University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

Key Objectives:
1)      Engage participants to learn from experiences administering/evaluating diabetes programming in other states/localities 2)      Provide overview of effective outreach strategies for collecting data from DSME programs in Iowa 3)      Provide overview of reliability of programmatic responses to surveys on DSME programming and describe importance of triangulating data 4)      Describe Iowa’s approach to DSME programming and current evaluation efforts

Brief Summary:
The goal of Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) programming is to improve the health outcomes of individuals who have been diagnosed with diabetes. Programming supports informed decision-making, self-care behaviors, problem-solving and active collaboration with the health care team. While national programming standards do exist for DSME programs, these programs are meant to adapt to the specific needs of individual communities and as a result follow a variety of curriculums and programming models. They are also administered by a variety of entities, which can be problematic for collecting data and providing program evaluation at the state level. This roundtable will serve as a semi-structured forum by which to discuss potential data collection issues when collaborating with a varied field of diabetes programs at the state and local level. The primary authors will also discuss methods of data collections that ensure evaluation and program data are reliable and valid.