Evaluation of Healthcare Associated Infections Position Statements Roundtable

Wednesday, June 17, 2015: 1:00 PM
109, Hynes Convention Center
Marion A. Kainer , Tennessee Department of Health, Nashville, TN
Richard Melchreit , Connecticut Department of Public Health, Hartford, CT

Key Objectives:
1) Participants will describe the objectives of Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) Position Statements as a policy making tool for systematic epidemiological surveillance, in particular, as it applies to Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI).   2) Participants will list the key steps in the development of Position Statements, describe the Position Statement format, and list three HAI-related Position Statements.  3)  Participants will list three HAI position statement stakeholders.  4)  Participants will describe three objectives for the Position Statement evaluation framework under consideration.

Brief Summary:
Over recent years, the CTSE HAI Subcommittee and the HAI Data Standards Committee have invested a lot of time in preparing position statements that were passed at the respective Annual Conferences.  However, there has not been a systematic assessment to determine the utility of those Position Statements, or their impact.  Such an evaluation would be very helpful in guiding future Position Statement development, dissemination, and evaluation. This roundtable  for HAI coordinators, and others involved in HAI surveillance and policy, will review the current process of Position Statement development and dissemination, and discuss a potential framework to evaluate how these position statements have been used by HAI coordinators, multidisciplinary advisory groups, CDC, respondent organizations, and other national organizations or working groups.  CSTE members from other epidemiological disciplines, who are interested in applying this idea to their discipline, will also find this roundtable useful and are welcome to attend.