Opening Plenary / Devra Lee Davis

Monday, June 15, 2015: 9:10 AM
Grand Ballroom, Sheraton Hotel
Dr. Davis is recognized internationally for her work on environmental health and disease prevention. A Presidential appointee that received bi-partisan Senate confirmation, Dr. Davis was the Founding Director of the world’s first Center for Environmental Oncology and currently serves as President of Environmental Health Trust, a nonprofit devoted to researching and controlling avoidable environmental health threats. National book award finalist, for When Smoke Ran Like Water, 2002, she lectures at universities in the U.S. and Europe and was the recent winner of the Carnegie Science Medal in 2010 and the Lifetime Achievement Award from Green America in 2012. Her 2007 book, The Secret History of the War on Cancer, details the ways that public relations strategies have undermined public health, and is being used at major schools of public health, including Harvard, Emory, and Tulane University. Her most recent book, Disconnect: The Truth about Cell Phone Radiation and Your Health, what the Industry has Done to Hide it, and What You Can Do to Protect your Family, Line was published in the U.S. and U.K. by Dutton, 2010, and has been released in Australia, India, Turkey, Taiwan, Finland, Estonia, China, and as a book on tape. Awarded the Silver Medal from Nautilus Books for Courageous Reporting and picked by Amazon editors as a top pick of 2014. Her research has appeared in major scientific journals. Her research has been featured on CNN, CSPAN, CBC, BBC, and public radio.