Participatory Program Evaluation Planning in Support of the Vermont Comprehensive Cancer Control Initiative

Wednesday, June 22, 2016: 11:14 AM
Tubughnenq' 5, Dena'ina Convention Center
Leanne M Shulman , Vermont Department of Health, Burlington, VT
Ericka Welsh , Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Topeka, KS
Sharon Mallory , Vermont Department of Health, Burlington, VT
Alison Johnson , Vermont Department of Health, Burlington, VT
BACKGROUND:  The Vermont Comprehensive Cancer Control (CCC) program coordinates with the statewide cancer coalition Vermonters Taking Action Against Cancer (VTAAC) to promote integrated efforts and identify priorities for implementing the Vermont State Cancer Plan. In 2015 the VT CCC program developed a five year evaluation plan.

METHODS:  The Vermont CCC program epidemiologist participated in the 2015 National Association of Chronic Disease Directors Epidemiology Mentorship Program, which paired her with a senior epidemiologist skilled in evaluation. With senior-level guidance the Vermont CCC program epidemiologist coordinated the development of a five year evaluation plan to accompany the new five year state cancer plan. A participatory evaluation approach was employed, which began with an invitation to join the VTAAC Evaluation Committee which was sent to the general membership, as well as to specific partners with evaluation experience. The Evaluation Committee then met several times over the course of nine months to provide input on each step of the evaluation plan. Evaluation planning was guided by the Comprehensive Cancer Control Branch Program Evaluation Toolkit (2010).

RESULTS:  The Evaluation Committee consists of three staff from the VT Department of Health, the VTAAC coordinator, a cancer center communications manager, a quality improvement liaison for a major private insurer, and the coordinator for the Vermont Cancer Survivor Network. The Evaluation Committee revised the CCC initiative logic model, determined the evaluation questions and created the evaluation planning matrix under the leadership of the CCC program epidemiologist. The evaluation plan includes both process and outcome evaluation and is designed to measure and improve the effectiveness of the CCC program and VTAAC, to inform future program and coalition development, and to demonstrate accountability to funders.

CONCLUSIONS:  The participatory approach, with guidance from a senior-level mentor, resulted in an evaluation plan that has buy-in from key VTAAC partners while maintaining the framework required by the funder. Activities in the plan will be implemented by staff within the Vermont Department of Health, primarily the CCC program epidemiologist.  The work done by the Evaluation Committee was presented to, and approved by, the VTAAC Steering Committee in November 2015.  The Evaluation Committee has a continued role in overseeing the implementation of the plan throughout the next five years.