Filling the Gaps: Strategies for CDC's Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Infectious Diseases (ELC) Cooperative Agreement

Monday, June 20, 2016: 5:45 PM
Summit Hall 3, Egan Convention Center
Alvin D Shultz , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA
Christina L. Chung , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA
Charlotte Newman , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA

Key Objectives:
In 2014, the ELC Program asked the following question in the final report for the previous project period: “In narrative format, please describe the existing priority gaps or needs that you would address if your resources could be (1) increased by 50% and (2) increased by 100%.”  Results from this analysis will be presented and the session. Feedback from state and local public health practitioners will be solicited on additional areas, resources and activities that the ELC Cooperative Agreement could support. The discussion at this session will be summarized by ELC staff, including important content from attendees for developing future strategy, including funding initiatives.

Brief Summary:
Over the past five years, the ELC Cooperative Agreement has made a number of strategic innovations designed to meet evident public health gaps including: flexible and cross-cutting resources; evaluation activities; dedicated projects for previously unfunded categorical areas such as waterborne, tickborne, parasitic and mycotic diseases and rabies; and peer-to-peer travel/training.  Additionally, new funding is now available for foodborne diseases, antimicrobial resistance and healthcare-associated infections, Advanced Molecular Detection, biosafety and Vaccine Preventable Diseases.  As the landscape of infectious diseases constantly changes, the ELC seeks input from its state partners to continue evolving the program to meet the most pressing needs of the day. To maximize this session, ELC will provide discussion materials during the health department’s preconference.