Invasive Haemophilus Influenzae Serotype a Infection in Children, Clinical Description of an Emerging Pathogen � Alaska, 2002�2014

Wednesday, June 22, 2016: 11:05 AM
Tikahtnu A, Dena'ina Convention Center
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Ian D. Plumb , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Anchorage, AK
Danielle Lecy , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Anchorage, AK
Rosalyn Singleton , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Anchorage, AK
Michael Engel , Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Anchorage, AK
Matthew Hirschfeld , Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Anchorage, AK
Joseph Klejka , Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation, Bethel, AK
Karen M. Rudolph , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Anchorage, AK
Thomas W. Hennessy , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Anchorage, AK
Michael G. Bruce , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Anchorage, AK