Key Objectives:
- To become familiar with the proposed ICD-10-CM injury diagnosis and external cause matrices and latest updates
- To outline a plan to develop and test proposed injury indicators based on diagnoses or external causes using the injury matrices
Brief Summary:
This roundtable discussion begins the conversation about how to use the proposed ICD-10-CM injury diagnosis matrix and the proposed ICD-10-CM external cause matrix to develop and test proposed injury indicators. While the matrices provide suggested groupings of ICD-10-CM codes for specific anatomic injuries (e.g., traumatic brain injury), injury mechanisms (e.g., fall, motor vehicle) and injury intents (e.g., suicide), additional development and testing is needed before an injury indicator can be finalized. Testing may involve such methods as medical record review to measure the sensitivity and positive predictive value of the proposed indicator or assessment of an indicator using dual coded data (i.e., the same record coded in both ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM). In this roundtable, we will begin to outline a plan for the development and testing of injury indicators using ICD-10-CM coded data. The plan will help inform the work of the CSTE Injury Subcommittee in the coming year.