CSTE, in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP), will host the 2ndMCH Epidemiology Symposium at the 2014 CSTE Annual Conference in Nashville, TN. Building upon the themes of data linkage and innovative data usage from the previous Symposium, the 2014 MCH Epidemiology Symposium will highlight the power of data warehouses and applications for MCH epidemiologists. This symposium will highlight analyses made possible by a robust data warehouse, describe the essential role of informatics, explore challenges and key ingredients for success, and provide opportunities for discussion with MCH leaders.
These sessions are targeted to state, local, tribal, and territorial epidemiologists who are involved with Epidemiologists who provide data-driven and research-based support for programs and policy decisions. While examples will primarily be MCH-focused, the data sources and approaches are cross-cutting, translating across multiple topic areas. All those with an interest in data warehouses and related applications are welcome to attend.