Wednesday, June 22, 2016
7:30 AM-8:15 AM
Chronic Disease / MCH / Oral Health Honoring Mothers' Lives: Strengthening Maternal Mortality Reviews and Translating Findings into Action
Cross Cutting Outbreak Investigations Involving FSIS-Regulated Product: Paving the Way for Improved Communication and Collaboration
Environmental Health Environmental Health at School: Call to Action for Coordinated Surveillance of Environmental Hazards and Exposures in Schools and Child Care Facilities
Infectious Disease I Challenges and Alternative Strategies for Lyme Disease Surveillance with a Focus on High Incidence States
Infectious Disease II Local Health Department Roles and Activities to Improve Infection Control, Preparedness, and Response to Infectious Disease Threats
Infectious Disease III Utility of Standardized Exposure Data Collection for Salmonella and Campylobacter in Identifying Sources of Infection
Infectious Disease IV Collaborating to Improve HAI Outbreak Detection and Response
Injury / Substance Abuse Recommendations to Improve Specific Drug Reporting on Drug Overdose Death Certificates
Surveillance / Informatics Public Health Electronic Laboratory Reporting Network: Leveraging Existing ELR Technology to Achieve a National Surveillance Network
Surveillance / Informatics II - Sponsored by Scientific Technologies Corporation (STC) Win an iPad: Learn how a Disease Surveillance and Management Ecosystem supports Preparation, Prevention, and Protection and Empowers a “Lifetime”
7:30 AM-9:00 AM
7:30 AM-12:00 PM
7:30 AM-5:30 PM
8:30 AM-10:00 AM
Plenary From Roswell, NM to Austin, IN: Measuring the Substance Abuse Epidemic, A New Frontier for Epidemiologists
10:00 AM-10:30 AM
10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Chronic Disease / MCH / Oral Health I Claims Check: Novel Analyses Using Medicaid Claims Data
Chronic Disease / MCH / Oral Health II Rapid-Fire Chronic Disease
Cross Cutting I No Seward’s Folly: Quality Improvement, Collaboration, and Evaluation
Cross Cutting II Implementation of a Hepatitis C Test and Cure Program: Informatics Strategies, Surveillance Findings and Lessons Learned from Year 1
Environmental Health One Health: Diverse Climate Change Hazards
Infectious Disease I Dial an Epidemiologist: Infection Surveillance and Prevention in Dialysis Settings
Infectious Disease II - Rapid Fire Zoonotic & Emerging Infectious Diseases
Occupational Health The Wrong Type of Northern Exposure: Lead in Adult Workers
Substance Abuse I Updates on the Opioid Overdose Epidemic
Substance Abuse II Emergence of Severe Synthetic Cannabinoid-Related Illness: Identifying Strategies to Improve Detection and Response
Surveillance / Informatics Linking Outposts on the New Frontier: Interoperable Systems
1:00 PM-1:45 PM
Cross Cutting I Impact and Outcomes of the Live Testing of Flu on Call™ during the January-February 2016 Influenza Response
Cross Cutting II Hub Maps: Using Electronic Health Record Data to Generate Population Health Visualizations and Understand Novel Data Sources
Environmental Health Private Well Community of Practice
Infectious Disease I Infectious Disease Position Statements Roundtable III
Infectious Disease II The CDC National Healthcare Safety Network: Planned Changes and Improvements and the Impact of State Mandates and CMS Rules
Infectious Disease III The National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System: Role of State and Local Public Health Jurisdictions
Injury / Substance Abuse I Improving Drug Overdose Surveillance: Tools, Needs and Future Opportunities
Injury / Substance Abuse II Moved to Tuesday at 1 p.m.
Occupational Health Clinical Laboratory Worker Exposures to Select Agents: A Collaborative Approach
Surveillance / Informatics Re-Imagining Epidemiology: Meeting Increased Demands with Limited Resources
2:00 PM-3:30 PM
Chronic Disease / MCH / Oral Health - Members-Only Position Statements
Cross Cutting - Members-Only Position Statements
Environmental / Occupational / Injury - Members-Only Position Statements
Infectious Disease I - Rapid-Fire Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
Infectious Disease II Shining the Midnight Sun on HIV and STD
Infectious Disease III We are the Government and We are Here to Help: Tips and Tools to Use in Foodborne Disease Outbreak Investigations
Surveillance / Informatics - Members-Only Position Statements
3:30 PM-4:00 PM
4:00 PM-5:30 PM
Infectious Disease - Members-Only Position Statements